Evidence-Based Practices Reduce Recidivism
GEO Reentry Services applies evidence-based practices (EBP), developed over decades of research and studies by industry experts, to lower recidivism rates. EBP addresses criminal thinking to change behavior at a fundamental level, so that program participants may successfully reintegrate into the community.
Why are EBP the Way to Go?
“The principal significance of this body of research is threefold: first, we now know that treatment and rehabilitation can ‘work’ to reduce recidivism; second, for appropriate individuals alternatives to imprisonment can be both less expensive and more effective in reducing crime; and, third, even where alternatives to incarceration do not decrease recidivism, they often do not increase it either.”
– Roger K. Warren, National Center for State Courts
Core Elements of EBP
EBP research indicates there are three core elements that can affect an individual’s outcomes:
- Risk – This term refers to the likelihood a person will reoffend. Low-risk individuals are at lower risk of reoffending and therefore need less intense intervention; tailored treatment for moderate- to high-risk individuals can significantly improve outcomes.
- Need – Need refers to criminogenic need, consisting of dynamic and static risk factors that are correlated to criminal behavior. Research has identified eight of these factors, including: antisocial thoughts and beliefs; antisocial personality; antisocial associates; family; substance use; employment; education; and leisure.
- Responsivity – This includes other conditions that affect the likelihood to recidivate, such as mental health, gender, culture, learning style, motivation, or functional style.
Targeting Intervention
Based on assessed risks and criminogenic needs, GEO Reentry develops an individual treatment plan for program participants, understanding that “one size fits all” service models are insufficient.
Risk Control and Risk Reduction
Risk control refers to rehabilitation methods such as confinement, drug testing, and electronic monitoring, all of which can have an immediate impact on public safety. Risk reduction tactics use social learning models such as cognitive-behavioral treatment to lower the chance of recidivism. GEO Reentry programs set clear guidelines with participants to maintain a high bar for compliance, but also reinforce positive effort at each step to improve results.
Building a Prosocial Bond Structure
Successful reentry programs improve a participant’s bonds and ties to prosocial community members while creating an environment to support and reinforce constructive new behaviors. GEO Reentry programs develop extensive networks of community resources available for participants. These resources support program participants as they complete their supervision and treatment requirements and begin reintegration into the community.
Professionalizing EBP
For decades, agencies have worked to implement EBP within in-custody and community supervision programs. This is complex as it takes a commitment to adjust cultures and practices throughout a system. GEO Reentry partners with agencies nationwide to implement EBP programs to support the goal of reducing recidivism.