Vocational & Educational Services

Vocational and Educational Opportunities for a New Start

There are several obstacles that individuals who are involved in the criminal justice system face upon their release and return to community life, including employment prospects. A lower level of education, an absence of a steady employment history, and a lack of vocational skills can hinder efforts to find work. Providing educational programming and vocational training to adults while they are in prison or in a reentry program can help individuals overcome these challenges by fostering the skills needed to find employment.

GEO Reentry offers vocational training and career technical education programs in our in-custody, residential reentry, and non-residential reentry programs. This service helps participants to learn general employment skills or skills needed for specific jobs and industries. The goal of our vocational training is to reduce participants’ risk of recidivating by teaching them marketable work skills.

High School Equivalency Preparation

If a participant does not have a high school diploma or GED, their case plan will typically include the goal of earning a GED or equivalent. When a participant is ready for testing, staff can assist with test scheduling.

Education and Vocational Training Enrollment Assistance

If a participant has been referred to a GEO Reentry residential or non-residential program and if they are interested in enrolling in an educational or vocational program, GEO Reentry staff will help the participant explore their options and navigate the enrollment process. This includes assisting participants with applications and other needed paperwork for colleges, applicable grants, programs, or trade/technical schools.

Practice Components

Vocational education can be offered in various trade industries, such as barbering, building maintenance, carpentry, electrical trades, painting, plumbing, food service and culinary arts, horticulture, custodial maintenance, upholstery, auto detailing, masonry, welding, and heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Case managers will try to find training based on the individual’s interests.

Community Outreach

Our program staff work diligently to connect with and gather information from community colleges and other relevant providers of vocational and educational programs for program participants.


The decision to start or finish school after incarceration is no small task. This website features resources willing to help individuals looking for local and online courses including high school equivalency courses, literacy and life skills classes, and trade programs.