As part of their reentry journey, residents at the GEO Reentry Scranton Residential Reentry Program are encouraged to get involved in community affairs as both a “give back” to the community and to learn to become contributing members of Lackawanna County.
Often, these “give back” opportunities involve volunteering in the community and conducting community service activities. Residents have previously conducted clean up days at Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center, a local senior living community, but in June the residents decided to go further when Supervising Case Manager Cassandra Pugh prompted the program participants as to what they’d like to do for community service.
The Scranton RRC residents decided a cash donation to seniors at the Veterans’ Center would be most helpful, and together RRC residents collected $1,000 during June. In July, they stopped by to hand off the check at the center. The funds will go toward personal care items for the senior living residents, such as hygiene products, new clothing, personal items such as wallets and ID holders, and recreational items such as gift cards to local events and restaurants.
The Scranton Residential Reentry Center was formed in 2002, and today provides services for individuals on parole and supervision of the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, including transitional housing, cognitive behavioral treatment, work release, assistance with finding and retaining employment and community service. The center also connects program residents to connect with critical treatment, medical and counseling services.
Named after a WWII hero from northeastern Pennsylvania who received the Medal of Honor, the Gino J. Merli Veterans’ Center is located in downtown Scranton. The center is funded by the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, and it provides residential housing and supportive care services for almost 200 veterans and spouses.
“We’re proud of the contributions our program participants make with their community service work, and this cash donation to support local veterans of war with personal needs or to help them get out in the community to catch a baseball game or cultural event in the Scranton area is very special,” said Gardnia Simeon, GEO Reentry Services Facility Director.