The California DCR Division of Adult Parole Operations and GEO Reentry Services, the operator of a community-based day reporting center for parolees in Stockton, Calif., presented parolees with an opportunity to learn about employment, training and education resources during a November fair.
An article in the local paper, The Record, documented the resource fair, held at a day reporting center in Stockton. An appreciative parolee told the paper, “It’s good that they want to help us get jobs and give us a chance to work.”
For many parolees, it can be difficult to secure employment because of past criminal records, but about 18 organizations took part in the fair, including trade unions, businesses and education programs. Organizers said the event drew nearly 200 people and that they hope it becomes a regular occurrence.
“By getting [parolees] jobs, they actually become our neighbors,” said Julie S. Kaplan, the district administrator of the state parole Stockton branch. “We want them to be productive citizens.”
GEO Reentry, which provides evidence-based treatment and training in the community, partners with county officials and probation departments across the United States to help parolees and probationers get their lives on track.
GEO Reentry combines daily reporting to DRCs with classes that address substance abuse, anger management, employment and educational issues. This approach targets reducing recidivism, securing employment or school enrollment for the offender, and altering the offender’s attitude and behavior.
Since the passage of California Public Safety Realignment legislation, AB 109 and AB 117, GEO Reentry has worked closely with counties across the state to address the needs of local authorities, offenders and the public through smart and cost-effective solutions.