Overseen by the Alabama Department of Corrections and managed by GEO Reentry, the Alabama Therapeutic Education Facility (ATEF) is the first and largest, with more than 700 residents, residential reentry center in the region. It is playing an instrumental role in reducing recidivism in Alabama, according to state officials.
ATEF provides temporary housing, monitoring, and transitional services to female and male participants as they prepare to return to the community. The program model includes intensive cognitive behavioral treatment focused on relapse prevention and preparation for transfer into a work-release program. The evidence-based programming addresses the underlying reasons for antisocial behaviors, and ultimately to change criminal thinking and behavior.
Through the program, residents learn individual accountability, responsibility, and positive self-development to prepare for independent community living. Individual and group counseling, substance use programming, and educational services are provided through approved community service providers.
An important and unique aspect of ATEF is the integration of technical work training provided by J.F. Ingram State Technical College, which delivers robust, hands-on vocational training in Carpentry, Plumbing, Welding, HVAC, Forklift Driving, OSHA Safety Training/Certification, Cosmetology, and Barbering within ATEF. ATEF provides services seven days a week offering structure and flexibility to meet the individual risk and needs of each resident. Transition ceremonies are held bi-monthly for those completing vocational training, and family members are invited to attend.
Watch this video to learn more about this unique reentry program.