GEO Reentry Services and the Idaho Department of Correction hosted a graduation, also called a Transition Celebration, for 20 individuals on parole who successfully completed the Connection and Intervention Station reentry program in November.
Kenneth Taylor, owner and executive director of Pocatello-based Cognitive Restructuring, was the keynote speaker. Taylor shared his personal experience coping with substance use disorders before finding purpose and receiving five pardons from the DOC. Chris Anderson, Section Supervisor with the Idaho Department of Correction, and two program graduates also spoke to and congratulated the graduates for their work in getting through the program and taking what they learned and apply it in the community.
Local 8 TV attended the event. Watch video.
GEO Reentry staff, family members, community partner agencies, DOC officials and others attended the event recognizing program graduates’ accomplishments. The event was an opportunity for the participants and their support network to celebrate successfully completing this unique program designed to reduce criminal behavior.
“The CIS helps them change their behaviors and change their lives,” said Amy Austin, GEO Reentry Services Program Manager at the Pocatello CIS. “It gives them different tools to put in their toolbox that they can use so that they do not go back to jail or prison.”
Participants the Pocatello CIS undergo multi-phase evidence-based programming that includes an individualized behavior change plan to address criminogenic risks and needs; access to community resources for employment, education, housing and more; case management; and classes that encourage them to confront their beliefs and practice pro-social decision-making. Combining in-person and technology-based services allows the DOC to serve individuals across the state and facilitates ongoing contact with participants to support their successful reentry.