GEO Reentry Services uses pro-social activities to discourage anti-social behaviors, promote respect and help participants develop the social skills they need to be successful in their personal and professional lives. One way GEO Reentry staff model pro-social behaviors for participants is by hosting engaging activities and events at their centers. These events show participants that they can have fun and enjoy time with their peers in a safe, positive setting.
Two residential GEO reentry centers in North Carolina, the Burke Confinement in Response to Violation Center and the Robeson Confinement in Response to Violation Center, recently hosted pro-social activities for participants. The Burke CRV held a joint incentive event with the North Carolina Department of Public Safety. Participants enjoyed hot dogs, chips, cookies and drinks while participating in an Easter egg hunt. The incentive event not only taught pro-social behaviors but rewarded participants for their hard work in the program.
The Robeson CRV held a Battle of the Dorm competition where participants from each dorm competed against one another in sporting events. The center also continued its weekly Friday celebrations, which recognize participants who’ve completed their ninth Moral Recognition Therapy step. The Robeson CRV recently began inviting participants on the road to completing their MRT steps to the Friday celebrations. These participants are invited to view the ceremony and take the positive things they learned back to their group, giving them, as well as their peers, something to strive for and continue working toward.

Read more about the Robeson CRV and the Burke CRV and the results the centers have seen on our Outcomes page.