One of first Day Reporting Centers that GEO Reentry Services opened in California celebrated its 15th anniversary this month, and the staff hosted an open house to update the community on how the program supports Monterey County Probation and the California Department of Corrections with its treatment and training programs. GEO Reentry operates two programs in Monterey County – the Day Reporting Center located in Salinas that opened in 2009, and an in-jail treatment program that was added later.
“We have different parts of our day reporting program that we’d like the public to learn about, as well as our jail program,” said GEO Reentry Services Program Manager Lyla Bear. “This was an opportunity for everyone to learn what our reentry services are about and what we’re doing here in Monterey County.”
The Monterey DRC focuses on reducing costly recidivism through cognitive behavioral treatment programs, life skills training, case management, workforce development and community connections. At the same time, by diverting individuals to the center, jail overcrowding has been reduced. The county later added the in-jail treatment program to prepare individuals for release to the community from the jail.
The County and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation refer individuals under their supervision to the DRC, which can serve up to 130 adult participants at one time. In 2023 more than 220 individuals entered the center. At the Monterey County jail, GEO Reentry staff deliver many of the same services being offered at the DRC for individuals who are preparing for release to the community.
KSBW TV attended the open house. Click here to see its coverage of the open house.