BOISE — A recent report reveals programs for participants at seven Idaho reentry programs, called Connection and Intervention Stations, are having a positive and important impact on participant accountability and criminal risk.
Conducted by GEO Reentry Services, the report reflects program data for the calendar year 2022 concerning areas such as criminogenic risk, employment, substance abuse usage, overall program engagement and more.
The seven CIS centers are run by GEO Reentry staff, who apply evidence-based practices to deliver services that help individuals on probation or parole referred by the Idaho Department of Correction to reassimilate into their communities as productive citizens.
According to the report, criminogenic risk scores as measured by the Level of Service Inventory-Revised for a sample of 113 participants, were reduced by 36 percent. In addition, 47 participants with moderate- to high-risk Criminal Thinking Scale (CTS) scores showed a clinically significant decrease in criminal thinking, averaging a 14 percent reduction pre- to post-treatment.
The CIS programs also assist participants in securing steady, gainful employment. In 2022, 82 percent of participants in one of the seven CIS programs were able to obtain full-time employment by the time they exited the program.
The 2022 data also indicates participants demonstrated successful outcomes related to substance abuse. Based on more than 14,000 drug tests, 73 percent were clean; in addition, almost 100% of breath alcohol tests were negative.
Idaho officials asked GEO Reentry to focus on three initiatives at the CIS centers in 2022 — program utilization, participant completions and increasing referrals to community-based services to help stabilize participants once they exit a CIS program. In each of the three categories, significant gains were made. During the reporting period, almost 1,700 referrals to outside services were made for housing mental health, legal services and more.
During the year the report was conducted, 1,173 individuals received services at one of the seven CIS programs, located in Boise, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho Falls, Lewiston, Nampa-Caldwell, Pocatello, and Twin Falls.
GEO Reentry focuses on changing behavior and reducing recidivism, providing comprehensive treatment programs tailored to meet individual participants’ criminogenic risks and needs. Programming is delivered through group and individual sessions, including cognitive behavioral therapy, employment assistance, substance abuse treatment, and life skills classes.
Download the new Idaho CIS outcomes report at www.georeentry.com/outcomes.