GEO Reentry Residential Program partners with nonprofit to help reentrants gain good jobs

Opened in 2004, GEO Reentry’s Long Beach Community Reentry Center supports the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to provide transitional housing and cognitive behavioral treatment services to individuals on parole. The Long Beach Community Reentry Center provides temporary housing, supervision services, and transitional services to participants. This community-based solution provides a safe and secure residential setting as an alternative to custody or as a step down from incarceration.

Last year, GEO Reentry began a fruitful relationship with a nonprofit to develop a certification class for good-paying jobs in trades such as construction, electrical, and more. The nonprofit, Career Expansions, Inc., has relationships with major employers in the Los Angeles area, and after a 30-day training program at the residential center, places these individuals at employment sites. For everyone involved, it is a win-win as the participants return to community life with good-paying union work that stabilizes their reentry; employers get ready-to-go workers; and the state benefits through reduced recidivism. A recent video showcases this positive partnership.

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