GEO Reentry Services delivers evidence-based treatment and supervision programs for individuals on probation or parole and pretrial defendants in residential, in-custody, and non-residential reentry centers. At the core of GEO Reentry’s treatment and training is cognitive-behavioral treatment, intended to change criminal attitudes, enhance social skills, and encourage interpersonal problem-solving.
By combining research-based treatment and counseling services, GEO Reentry assists community correctional agencies with important community safety efforts.
To assess the efficacy of the programs it manages for governmental agencies, GEO Reentry captures key data and analyzes this information to assess the effectiveness of the programs for criminal risk, criminal thinking, substance usage, employment, program attendance, capacity, and other important metrics.
GEO Reentry recently published seven new outcomes reports. Click on any of these links to see the details:
- Sacramento Day Reporting Center
- Napa County Community Corrections Service Center
- Merced County Day Reporting Center
- New Jersey Community Resource Centers
- Ventura County Reentry Service Centers
- Luzerne County Reentry Service Center
- Idaho Connection & Intervention Stations
While results vary depending on the location, across all of these programs there was a measurable reduction in criminal risk as measured by the LSI-R risk assessment tool. There was also a drop in criminal thinking as measured by the Texas Christian University Criminal Thinking Scales assessment tool, which measures antisocial cognition, attitudes and criminal thinking patterns.
In addition, these reports found significant increases in employment rates for program participants. In addition to the cognitive behavioral treatment participants receive at these centers, there is a large focus on preparing individuals for a successful life in the community, including finding and retaining jobs that help stabilize their lives upon reentry. For example, in Luzerne County, 54% of participants entering the program had jobs; upon exit, 89% had found employment.