Changing Criminal Behavior by Addressing Root Issues
At the foundation of GEO Reentry’s non-residential, residential, and in-custody programs is research-based cognitive behavioral treatment. The treatment is present in all elements of our service delivery to address how participants think, make judgments and decisions and to promote actions and behaviors focused on changing negative relationships. Treatment is delivered in group settings, individually, or through online curriculum.
Moral Reconation Therapy® (MRT)
An important component of our reentry programming is MRT, a systematic treatment strategy designed to decrease recidivism among individuals involved in the criminal justice system by increasing moral reasoning. It aims to change thought processes and decision-making associated with addiction and criminal behavior and uses a combination of psychological practices to assist with egocentric behaviors and improve moral reasoning and positive identity.
Group Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
Based on assessed risk and needs, most program participants are assigned to group treatment, where they work with certified facilitators and their peers to advance their coping and decision-making skills. Our group model uses the evidence-based principle of skills training with directed practice. Group facilitators incorporate homework review, teaching new skills, and practicing new skills through role-playing. Program staff model pro-social behavior during all interactions with participants.
Individual Cognitive Behavioral Treatment
Each participant meets individually with a case manager throughout all phases of the reentry program. During individual cognitive behavioral treatment sessions, the case manager will draw on many curricula, conduct role-play exercises to further assess participant needs, and deliver individual training. The individual sessions also create an opportunity to gauge comprehension of previous work, family or home dynamics, challenges in substance use, and other key areas.
Supplementary Computer-Based Treatment
To supplement group sessions, our centers are equipped with an onsite Computer Lab. Participants can use the lab to access computer-based cognitive skills courses, which incorporate a variety of self-directed content and curricula that focus on cognitive restructuring. This training is supported by published outcomes and research. Staff are present during scheduled lab times for assistance.