Reentrants from ADAPPT Residential Reentry Center in Reading, Pennsylvania, offered their creative talents to the community by volunteering to repair and decorate the community pool this spring. Volunteers skilled in art, masonry and construction work offered their skills as community service by restoring the town pool. The reentrants were guided by Dawn Martin, Assistant Director of Programming at ADAPPT, who coordinated community leaders and reentrants who repaired the pool and painted whimsical sea creatures for families and children to enjoy this summer. ADAPPT has worked with the City of Reading several years consecutively to prepare the town pool for the summer season.
“We are proud to be asked once again to assist in the beautification of a community pool,” said Ms. Martin. “Every year our reentrants step up to the challenge and every year is better than the year before. This year our reentrants assisted with many projects, including cleaning the kitchen, to sand blasting, masonry work, and completing the project with painting ocean scenery enhanced with Okra whales, sharks, dolphins and a lion fish. Our residents worked very hard and took pride in their accomplishments.”
Staff and participants at ADAPPT frequently participate in community service for the City of Reading. The center values community service as an integral component in GEO Reentry’s programming model. Volunteer opportunities provide the experience of positive actions, develop pro-social skills by working with others and prepare reentrants for a positive lifestyle upon release.
“The mission of our GEO reentry programming at ADAPPT is to prepare reentrants for a positive reentry to the community, by providing the GEO Reentry model that focuses on personal treatment programs that address criminality and reduce recidivism,” said Michael Critchosin, Director of ADAPPT.
At ADAPPT, GEO Reentry provides residential programming including case management, supervision services, and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) to change addictive and criminal behaviors for ADAPPT residents. Individuals progress through phases of the program by gradually mastering the pro-social skills they need to maintain a crime-free life in the community. The program is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Department of Drug & Alcohol Programs.
Reentrants from ADAPPT Residential Reentry Center in Reading, Pennsylvania, offered their creative talents to the community by helping repair and decorate the community pool. Reentrants painted whimsical sea creatures on the Reading community pool. Reentrants assisted with many projects, including cleaning the kitchen, masonry, and sand blasting the pool. Volunteers skilled in art, masonry and construction work performed community service by restoring the town pool.